This is my attempt to recreate the 'marijuana harmless?' 9-11 wtc poster seen on the south park episode 'my future self 'n' me.' it is nearly impossible to find a copy using google image search so i made one myself.
the original 'marijuana harmless?' 9-11 wtc poster seen on the south park episode 'my future self 'n' me.' i used vintage screen capture equipment to take the image directly from my t.v.
i had a dickens of a time getting DICK cheney to pose with bill maher. they were all "go fuck yourself," "no, go fuck your mother," "fuck your daddy" and so on for an hour. i finally got a nice pose by promising to strangle a baby while they jacked off.
ann coulter actually said "i'll campaign for hillary if john mccain is the nominee" i wish hillary was the nominee just so ann coulter would have to stuff her words. ann coulter is a cunt.
john mccain was shot down and captured during the vietnam war. what more evidence of his qualifications to be president do you hippies need?
barack hussein obama bin-laden. what else is there to say?
digital rendering of trig palin in 3 years.